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Marketing Savage Elite

Work one on one with the Marketing Savage himself! This is not a program where your success will be swept under a rug.

Seats Are LIMITED. And once we close enrollment you will be invited to join a waiting list and the price will go up significantly.

This is the world's ONLY mastermind where we handcraft your vision.


The truth is you will get more accomplished in three months working with John Highley and his team than ten years of being taught how to do it. 

Although education masterminds have their place the key to your success has and always will be DOING THE WORK.

And this is the world's first mastermind where WE DO THE WORK FOR YOU!!

The Marketing Savage Elite Mastermind is 100% focused on getting YOU the results YOU Desire.

You're going to be working directly with John Highley & his team of Marketing Savages to create your vision. 

Then We Go To WORK and Build It!

Above and beyond the live masterminds and direct one on one consulting with John.

We will create your vision then build the funnels, websites, and CRM systems needed to grow and scale your dreams!

Not only does this mastermind include three major media assets, but it also includes a LIVE photo and video shoot.

You'll also have personalized access to the Marketing Savage Himself.

When you need help, you'll get it FAST! 

You're thinking about joining this program for one reason and one reason alone, TO GET RESULTS.

Let's make your spring of 2022 the most impactful time of your entire LIFE!

WARNING: Do not wait! This program reserves the right to shut down the enrollment when we reach our member limit.

So fill out the application below and let's jump on a FREE strategy call!

Because space is very limited. this offer will not last long.

Book The FREE Call NOW, You Deserve It.

Your Savage Friend,

John Highley

Apply NOW

John Highley

By john highley 02 Jun, 2022
Mike Claudio Testimonial
Stacy Raske
By john highley 29 May, 2022
“Working with John Highley and the Marketing Savage team has been an absolute game-changer for my business because I was missing the CRM, systems, and processes for bringing in leads and converting them. These systems allowed me to be a better leader because I could efficiently delegate tasks to my team and it also helped me to deliver to my clients at a higher level as John helped me bring everything into one management system. we now have systems and processes to not only manage those leads, those clients, but we also have the plans to be able to track what's happening along the way, and manage and curate their experience to be at the highest level. Thanks to John, I now have a team of eight. This has helped me elevate the experience of my clients. I now have systems that are bringing in more leads consistently into my business. I highly recommend working with Marketing Savage in any capacity, especially if you have the opportunity to do anything that is done for you, because John's team is super-effi
By john highley 29 May, 2022
This will NOT be the Church your grandma took you to 🤣… We are talking life, business, anger, pain, all the things the normal church is scared to talk about… We are gonna confront the hard stuff and build on the endless love we’ve been given… Focused on the lesions, mindset, and incredible life of Jesus Christ!! This Church will focus on what’s needed to be a productive functioning member of society… And give real advice on how to implement Biblical teachings in today's world! Man!!
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